Saturday, September 3, 2011

Tak Ada Yang Bagusnya

I watched Behind The Enemy Lines last night and seriously, war is suck! You know why sometimes we will be  a little bit reluctant to help poor country, and visiting developing country? We will be killed like what had happened to Malaysian journalist in Mogadishu, Somalia and developing countries will be prejudice to certain people because of the past histories and yet, accusing for illegal doing or something and WAR!

And all of them have no ethics during war.

Kill innocent civilians.
Tortured the captives.
24-hour battle.

Most important, dirty strategies to win! COWARD!

Islam berperang juga, ada dalam sejarah, tapi masih beretika. Kalau kau baca, baru kau rasa tersentuh hati dan faham dan terima dan yakin dan paling penting, kau akan tahu perang perang zaman hari ni semua jahat semua dosa semua busuk!

War is suck! 

Thank you.

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